Business development results
THE BRIEF: Developing and implementing a business development strategy focussing on harnessing the internal relationships, knowledge and expertise inherent in the business and aligning that to macro developments including pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies' pipelines - ensuring a realistic and workable plan of action.
OUTCOME: Business development plan focussing on a mix of large and mid-sized pharmaceutical and biotech targets. Aligned to network and additional new clients - three large pitches, >40 credential presentations in nine months.
Scientific editorial management
THE BRIEF: To support a rapidly growing medical communications agency with the role of scientific director. Understanding the science and delivering quality, consistently, is key to supporting pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The ability to understand the science and oversee and lead teams working with scientists and clinical experts to deliver scientific content on time and on budget is a valuable skill.
OUTCOME: Delivered multivolume content pieces including strategic communications and publications plan, congress activity, satellite symposia, advisory boards (virtual and face to face) and standalone launch meetings to high quality with excellent client and internal staff feedback.
Business development strategy for new comms agency
THE BRIEF: A new communications agency as part of a larger holding company wanted support developing a business development strategy and resource plan for the next two years. A full analysis was done including existing clients and cross fertilisation of business contacts within the larger holding company. New target pipelines were researched and presented in key therapy areas of interest. An internal process including work streams was set up to encourage a cross company key account approach with clients.
OUTCOME: Presentation to board highlighting the resources and streamlined process needed to ensure nothing was left on the table. A targeted action plan of both internal actions and external targets. Business development team increased to three full-time employees and included a wider geographical and client footprint.
Private equity support
THE BRIEF: Investment and Private Equity companies with limited knowledge of the medical affairs landscape often need an expert to orientate them and confirm their assumptions. Whether it's a general enquiry or a specific asset - The Hey Partnership has inherent knowledge and contacts in multiple private and publicly owned pharmaceutical companies to conduct both desk and in-person research illuminating trends and current performance.
OUTCOME: Increase in depth knowledge and deeper understanding of landscape and individual global and regional assets; key differentiating benefits and challenges.